Dziękuje Tobie Panie (Thank The Lord) – Single


This hymn is written in an old English language, it has a powerful message about how a stranger represents a Savior… How do we treat each other? How do we serve one another?

I feel like there is so many things and people around me that I should be thankful! Even for the trials that make me stronger. I’ve been blessed in many ways and that is why I wrote this song…


(Sung in Polish)

Tyle jest wspaniałych rzeczy, wspaniałych ludzi dookoła mnie, za co jestem bardzo wdzięczna. Nawet za doświadczenia które powodują że jestem bardziej wyrtwała. W wielu życiowych sytuacjach odczuwałam błogosławieństwa Boże i dlatego napisałam tę piosenkę…

I feel like there is so many things and people around me that I should be thankful! Even for the trials that make me stronger. I’ve been blessed in many ways and that is why I wrote this song…


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