Chrystusie (Christ) – Single


The reason I chose this song, was the tune and the words that had a great impact on me in my childhood. Later when I was older I realized that the words had a deeper meaning while I was trying to find the path to Christ….The sound of viola represents the deep sorrow in the Soul of man while searching for Christ…


(Sung in Polish)

Powodem wybrania tej piosenki był silny wpływ muzyki i słów które słyszałam w dzieciństwie. W późniejszej fazie mojego życia zdałam sobie sprawę z głebokiego znaczenia słów które pomogły mi w poszukiwaniu drogi do Chrystusa… Brzmienie Altówki w tym utworze wyraża głęboki żal w duszy człowieka podczas poszukiwania Chrystusa…

The reason I chose this song, was the tune and the words that had a great impact on me in my childhood. Later when I was older I realized that the words had a deeper meaning while I was trying to find the path to Christ….The sound of viola represents the deep sorrow in the Soul of man while searching for Christ…