Cierpliwość (Patience) – Single


This song was written for myself, so I can remember to be patient. To remind myself that patience comes from the Lord if I believe and trust Him. He will teach me to be patient and wait for the things that meant to be.


(Sung in Polish)

Ta piosenka została napisana z myślą o sobie abym pamiętała o cierpliwości. Abym pamiętała że cierpliwość pochodzi od Boga jeśli wierzę i ufam Jemu. On może nauczyć mnie cierpliwości i czekania na to co jest dla mnie właściwe….

This song was written for myself, so I can remember to be patient. To remind myself that patience comes from the Lord if I believe and trust Him. He will teach me to be patient and wait for the things that meant to be.


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